This Week’s Poem: I hope you remember this one! Choose five words to use for this week’s “Word Work” activities.
Reading and Writing: Starting this week you begin creating your own alphabet book. It will take two weeks, so take your time and do a careful job. Watch this video for ideas and instructions to get you started. How to Make your own Alphabet Book
Today, decide on the theme for your book. Will it be animals? nature? food? places? people? feelings? Make a list and start filling it in. It will take lots of thinking – start today and take a few days to finish it.
For Fun: Look what I found!! Enjoy!! Akili’s Alphabet
Math: There are 26 letters in the alphabet. So let’s focus on the number 26 this week. Today can you make 26 cents using coins? Which ones will you use?
Music with Ms. Djonovich: This week we will be listening to, moving to, and thinking about a piece of music called “Pianists”. Can you guess which instrument you will hear? This was written by the composer Camille Saint-Saens. A composer is someone who writes music. There are 4 fun activities for you to try. You don’t have to do them all on the same day. See if you can do all 4 this week and let me know how it goes.
- Activity 1: Click to take you to Musicplay. Scroll down to #16 “Pianists”. Click on “Listening Map” to hear the music. Did you guess the instrument correctly? Listen to it again and follow along by tracing the purple line with your finger as the music goes up and down. Try this a few times until you can match it perfectly with the music.
- Activity 2: While still on “Pianists”, click on the box “Analysis ON”. See if you can answer any of the questions while you listen. You can write down your answers or draw a picture and send them to Mrs. Fairley.
- Activity 3: While still on “Pianists”, click on the box “Composer” and hear about Camille Saint-Saens.
- Activity 4: Let’s finish up with some movement! While still on “Pianists”, click on the box “Kids Demo”. You will see kids on the stage moving their whole bodies to the music, showing how the music goes up and down. They are pretending they are on a giant piano so if the notes go higher, they move across the stage one way, and if the notes go lower, they go the other way. Can you follow along and try it at home? Make sure you have enough room!