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Storytime: When my son Scott was young, he LOVED otters. This was one of his favourite books. I hope you enjoy it too! Slip the Otter

Writing: It’s letter writing time again! Yesterday you wrote a letter to get information. Letters can also tell people things. Today, pretend you are Slip the Otter. Write a letter to a friend telling about your adventures.

Workout Wednesday with Ms. Reddon: Here are two activities to try!

Fun with Chalk: Use your chalk today to do your rainbow writing. Print one of your five words for this week and then print over it and over it again with different colours.

When you have all five words printed, have some water fun. You will need a wet sponge or a spray bottle filled with water. Read the poem and when you get to one of your rainbow words, get it wet – sort of like this!!

Math: Let’s keep on telling time. Use your paper clock while you watch this video. Tell time to the half hour.

Can you math these clocks to their correct time? Look carefully at the hour hands to help you.