Music Monday is today! All across Canada at 1:00 school children will sing together. At 1:00 please sing LOUD and PROUD. Here is the video link to sing along with… Imagine the Impossible And here are the Song Actions to help you.
** Parents are asked to take a picture of their children singing. The grade with the most singers will become the musical stars in our next musical event – it would be great if it was us! Please send your photos to Mr. Pullen and he will use the pictures to create a school video
** Families who would like to sing along with the KIng’s Road staff are invited to join them at 1:00 on Mr. Pullen’s google hangout. Mr. Pullen’s google hangout
This week’s poem. (You can even sing it to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle.) Choose five new words to use for this week’s word work.
Math: Today is Star Wars Day!! Miss Hope found this special Star Wars video for you! Counting to 10
For Fun: Today is Star Wars Day!! Miss Hope says:
“Today is May the 4th which is also known as Star Wars day! “May the fourth be with you!” sounds like a famous saying from the Star Wars movies “May the force be with you!” I’m a really big Star Wars fan so I thought for today, we could build my favourite Star Wars character, Yoda. Here’s what Yoda looks like. See if you can build your own Yoda.” (This picture and this craft are from
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Construction paper (green, brown, dark brown/black, red, and white)
- scissors
- pencil
- googly eyes (if you have them, if not you can make your own eyes)
- glue
Here are the shapes you need:
- Cut out two brown rectangles,
- a large black triangle,
- a green circle,
- 2 green triangles
- 1 red square,
- 1 tiny black rectangle.
- Also make the eyes if you need to.
- Now start building! See if you can fit the pieces together to make this Yoda!
If you like Star Wars as much as I do you might also want to try this video of how to draw Yoda (can you tell he’s my favourite character?). How to draw Yoda I can’t wait to see everything you make and remember! MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!