Writing: What a great day to write another letter! Today, write a thank you letter to someone. Can you think of someone who has done something special for you or who has given you something? Is there a community helper you appreciate for working hard? Write them a thank you letter! Use words like: thank you, thanks, appreciate, grateful.
French Friday with Madame: This week I would like you to learn a few words about Le Printemps (Spring).
- Watch this video and say the words – you might remember some of them from our lessons about the weather. Try to listen a few times to be able to learn new words – maybe some names of flowers? Talk about spring
- Now listen to this song (I am sure you know who this artist is 🙂 : Le printemps
- And if you feel like dancing or moving your body, here is another song about Spring in French: Le printemps

Sidewalk Chalk Art: Mary Poppins is one of my favourite movies. Have you seen it? One of the main characters is a sidewalk chalk artist. Enjoy this clip.
What about you? What can you draw with sidewalk chalk? Here are some ideas. What can you come up with?

Math: You have learned to tell time to the hour and tell time to the half hour. Can you answer these questions?