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Fabulous Friday

Read-Aloud: Have fun reading along with this story, What’s the Time Mr. Wolf? Art with Ms. Hope: The weather is getting nicer. I’m seeing a lot of people riding their bikes. If you have a bike, see if you can draw it. If not, draw a bike you would like to...

Thrilling Thursday

It’s Hangout Day! Bring your clock and your map with you! 1:00. : See you then! Math: Have you made your clock yet? Cut it out, attach the hands and bring it with you to our hangout. You’ll need...

Wonderful Wednesday

Reading and Writing: Over the last few weeks you have been sending me recipes. It’s time to turn them into a book. We need your help! Can you please draw a cover for our cookbook and give it a title? Take a picture and send it to me. We also need a title page...

Terrific Tuesday

Reading and Writing: Read this week’s poem that was posted yesterday. What do YOU like to do outside? Write your answers in sentences. Remember to start your sentence with a capital and end it with a period. Word Work: Take your five words from the poem and do...

Marvelous Monday

This Week’s Poem: The weather is finally better so it’s time to think about being outside. Remember to choose five words to use for this week’s word work. There’s dirt on my shirt and leaves in my hairThere’s mud on my boots but I...